Borders & Backgrounds » Backgrounds » Chevron Background Maker

Chevron Background Maker

Use our free chevron background maker to make printable chevron backgrounds with many different designs that can be used for personal or commercial use. You can select the chevron pattern, change the color of the entire pattern or of individual lines and the color of the background. You can also create chevron patterns with watercolor, glitter or metallic textures.

chevron background

Free Chevron Background Maker

Choose from several different background textures or select any solid custom color for your background and chevron pattern.

Open Chevron Background Maker

Change the Color of the Chevron Pattern

Chevron background
Chevron design

Open Chevron Background Maker

Chevron Pattern
red and white chevron design

Open Chevron Background Maker

Change the Color of the Background

Grey chevron backgrounds
Pink chevron background

Open Chevron Background Maker

Black and grey chevron clipart
Green chevron pattern

Open Chevron Background Maker

You can also use glitter or watercolor effects

Silver and black chevron background
Free chevron background

Open Chevron Background Maker

Pink chevron background
Gold chevron pattern

Open Chevron Background Maker

You can also use different colors

Free chevron background
Chevron designs

Open Chevron Background Maker

Patterned background
Gold template

Open Chevron Background Maker

The background can also be changed

black and gold
Gold glitter with a black pattern

Open Chevron Background Maker

Gold and black
Chevron pattern

Open Chevron Background Maker

Blue chevron
turquoise chevron background
Orange background

Open Chevron Background Maker

Many Chevron Designs Available

Open Chevron Background Maker

How to make a chevron pattern?

You don’t need to know how to make a chevron pattern to create printable backgrounds.

  1. Select a chevron pattern from the gallery of templates. They are all black and white but you can change the colors once you have selected the template.
    You can then select a background if you want to use a textured background. If not, then you can color the background a solid color at a later stage. There are various textured backgrounds available such as gold leaf, watercolor, glitter, etc.
    Decide if you want to color the chevron shape in one solid color of each zigzag pattern in a different color.
    Select the colors that you want to use.
    You can then add text and/or initials.
    If you are creating a printable background then print. If you want to create a wallpaper or a digital background then download the file as a jpg or png image file. You can also download the background as a pdf file.

How to Make a Chevron with Initials Background

You can use our free chevron background maker to make a chevron background with initials.

chevron initials
chevron initial background

Open Chevron Background Maker

  1. Open the background maker.
  2. Select the chevron template design.
  3. Select the color of the chevron pattern and the color of the background.
  4. Click on “Add Text” to add your initial.
  5. Select the font, size, and color of the initial. Drag it to wherever you want it to appear.

How to Make a Chevron Monogram Background

You can use our free background maker to make a monogram background. We also offer a free monogram maker with more monogram fonts available.

monogram background
Chevron monogram

Open Chevron Background Maker

  1. Open the background maker.
  2. Select the chevron template design.
  3. Select the color of the chevron pattern and the color of the background.
  4. Click on “Add Text” to add your first initial. Make it bigger.
  5. Click on “Add Text” to add your second initial. Make it bigger.
  6. Select the font, size, and color of the initials. Drag them to wherever you want them to appear.
  7. You can add more than two initials. You can also add your name or other text.

What is a chevron pattern?

A chevron pattern is a pattern with a series of v shapes that form a zigzag background design. You don’t need to know how to make a chevron pattern to use our printable backgrounds.

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